Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday July 31, 2007

Up by 8 am and feeling a bit better. I wonder if I got a cold on the airplane or on the packed subways? Who can know? We walked around the area this morning looking for Av. Scalabrini where the wool is supposed to be located. However, we walked the wrong direction as my map reading skills sucked this morning. No matter, we found a great breakfast place for an American breakfast at 14.5 pesos. This included cafe con leche, scrambled eggs and ham, orange juice, toast and marmalade. For two this is about $10 total.

We went downtown about 12:30 pm and explored around the region of the language school. Before class we tanked up on high test coffee. I had a double espresso with cream...what a buzz.

Language school was fun for the second day. I hope after two weeks I'll be able to converse adequately. I may be expecting too much. I'll do my "homework" in the morning.

Dave and I walked to the obalisk to kill time because it is impossible to get on the subway. He already had a pickpocket steal his new digital camera. They unzipped his fanny pack and took it without him feeling it. I will need to be totally vigalent from now on. We at fugazetta pizza and beer at a great place called the Valerio Cafe on the corner of Esmeralda and Lavalle. We are finally decoding the pizza. Fugazza is just onions and olive oil on pizza crust. Fugazza con queso adds cheese. Fugazetta is a pocketed pizza filled with cheese and onios and spices. They really load you up on the cheese. They do not skimp like USA pizzas. However, we tried to get just a tomato sauce and cheese pizza but have not yet hit the formulas. We tried a pizza nopliatano but this has cheese and tomato slices and olive oil and garlic. It seems you need to order a mozerella pizza to get what we have been seeking. Time to move onto different foods! :)

We got on the subway about 7:30 pm but they are still packed and it is Winter Holiday. When they all return to work, I wonder how packed they will all be?
Of additional interest is the availability of pressurized bottles of water to make your own seltzer water. The taste is refreshing and while we can buy sparkling water in the USA, I have never seen this product which is superior. Probably the lawyers prevent this being available as they would sue the manufacturers and store should one explode and scare or injure a person. We are clearly over-regulated.

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