Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday August 2, 2007

Nothing to report yesterday, only language school. Today was much the same. I set off this morning to find Earline's skein's of wool on Scalibrini Ortiz but apparently did not walk far enough. One needs to cross a street called Cordoba before coming to the wool places. I'll tray again at another time.

We had a kick of cafe chico before boarding the subway for school. This was our fourth day of school and things are difficult be slowly progressing. It is clear that one needs a prolonged time to learn Spanish but at least I can form simple sentences.

We have figured out the subway at rush hour. If we get on the first stop (Ave. Cathedral) next to Plaza de Mayo, we can get a place before the people crush in. Then, all we need to do is wait to get off. I nearly got stranded for an extra stop when the doors closed on me after David got off. Fortunately, the door operator opened them again for me.

We bought 9 pastries on our way home for 5.4 pesos ( approximately $1.80). We ate one to taste and washed it down with dark beer at 2.8 pesos per liter. This held us until 9:30 when we decided to try a Mexican restaurant in Palermo. Thi restaurant called Restaurante Mexico, is located on Thames and I think Ave. Santiago. I'll have to look on a map to find the correct name. The food is certainly different than any mexican food I have ever eaten. I had a chili releno and it came in a deep dish like soup with some type of sauce and ground beef. Dave had tacos dorados which had an odd golden sauce. It was good food and the restaurant was packed with a waiting line.

Time for TV and bed at about 11:00 pm.

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