Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trip Background

Because Earline (my wife) and I enjoyed Buenos Aires (BA) so much when we went there for two weeks last August on our honneymoon, I wanted to return again this Summer to see if it still held the same magic as it did the first time. There are really several reasons for this trip at this time. First, I want to see if the magic is the same before considering any investment in property for future part-time residence there. Second, if Earline and I really want to live there then one of us really needs to learn to speak more than pidgeon Spanish. (Engspan more than Spanglish). Thus I want to attend language school in BA for intensive learning for at least a few weeks to get a good start. I never took Spanish in High School and my German does not serve me well. Surprisingly, my Latin studies do provide some basis for learning the language. The problem is when you get older, the brain has a more difficult time in retaining new information. Thirdly, I want to study some more tango to add to my existing knowledge of the dance.

Unfortunately, Earline cannot go with me in the Summertime as she must work. I on the other hand, act as "Mr. Mom" to her 15 year old son, Stephen, and can only travel in the Summer. Becasue I was not keen on travelling alone, I asked, begged, and prodded my brother Dave to accompany me. He finally got permission from his wife and thus the kernel of a plan was formed.

After buying airtickets that were not refundable, the die was cast, so to speak. Rapidly following, was the r ental of a two bedroom apartment in the Palermo area of BA and arrangements with a language school ( I corresponded with two students who appeared to enjoy their training at the school. In addition, this particular school also provides training in tango if desired. The school is also an easy communte via the subway (subte) from Palermo.

Dave and I leave on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 and will leave BA on August 21, 2007. Since David lives in Florida, we plan to meet in Houston on the evening of July 24 to start our adventure.

Earline is requesting that I return with a provoletta, some special provolone cheese and some colored wool skeins at the minimum. A provoletta is a cast iron flat griddle with handle that you place on a ba rbeque to grill provolone cheese. During our honeymoon trip, we attended a cooking class to learn to be an Asador (grill chef). This grilled provolone was one of the dishes prepared. The cheese is dipped in special Argentine sauces and is delicious.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How come when I view your complete bio it has your age at 251. Are you in the Guinness Book of records?