Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday July 27, 2007 - Puerto Madero

After getting home from the Nino Bien milonga at 3:30 am this morning, the old body could not arise until 10 am. Dave and I decided to get breakfast downtown rather than eat locally. Besides, we needed to go visit the Acadamie of Buenos Aires to arrange a start of our language school on Monday.

We ate breakfast at the Poker Cafe located at 111 Pelligrini which is found by walking from the main subte station (Carlos Pelligrini) and heading to Plaza de Mayo. We ordered an Americano breakfast for 16 pesos and this included eggs, ham, toast, fruit, coffee con leche, cookies and various breads.

The language school was located at Hipolito Yurigoyen 571 4th floor. We met the secretary, Sylviana, who showed us the classrooms and answered questions until the owner, Utz Federico Hoeser came in. We paid $640 US for the two of us to receive lessons 4 hrs daily, five days a week for two weeks. It turns out that there will probably only be the two of us in the class so it is like having private lessons.

We then decided to explore the Puerto Madero area. This was an area where there are a series of docks (diques) that had large cranes to unload ships. This has turned into a tourist area now and old wharehouses are now condos, office buildings and restaurants. High rise condos and hotels are being built in the area that is booming.

I looked at a condo building that I visited last August called Chateau, and prices for a two bedroom unit with maid quarters of 153 meters squared (1377 sq ft) run $465k plus $25k for a parking place and 9 pesos/meter squared/month for facility fees ($1377/mo)that include spas, tennis courts, pools, etc. You have a private elevator and entry lobby. Very nice on paper but one wonders about the government stability. Taxes are roughly 1% per year.

Dave and I then decided to check out the building next door. I gasped when told the units START at $2 million US dollars. We fled from there and decided to take the subte back to Palermo where we grabbed a late lunch at "El Galeon" on 4002 Sante Fe Ave. The food was great and reasonably priced.

Nap time until 7 pm and then our friend Dante Proano, the airport taxi guy came over for a computer lesson. I brought him my old Mac G3 Powerbook so he could view his emails and website without going to the local locatorios where internet access can be had for 1.5 pesos/hr.

Bedtime 12:35 am. Tomorrow we plan to explore the gardens in Palermo. More later.

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