Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26, 2007

This is our second day in BA and I am still out of whack with the time change being five hours earlier than California time. I got up at 8 am and we left the apartment at about 10 am to enjoy a traditional breakfast of cafe con leche (coffee and milk) and three media luna pastries. This was sufficient to allow us to get on the subte (subway) to travel downtown to the Carlos Pelligrini stop at the world's widest street, Avenue 9 de Julio.

We walked around to find an old classical tango placed called the Confiteria Ideal where I collected a tango map. We then walked the entire length of Florida Street that represents where the wealth and tourists shop. At the Galleria Galacia, we enjoyed a submarino which is a coffee with a submerged chocolate bar. Yummy!

We walked throught the PLaza San Martin, who represents what George Washing does to our country. From there we hoofed it to the cemetary at Recolleta. This is a huge collection of mausoleums of the rich and famous and includes the grave of Eva Peron who is laid to rest in a non descript tomb under her family name of Duarte. The grave was covered with flowers which demonstrates how much she is still loved by the people of Argentina.

We wandered through a small artesan gathering and then hunger drove up to a small pizza place called Puerto Montt located on San Vincinte Lopez near the cemetary wall. Great food with unusual pizza. It had hearts of palm, olives, hard boiled eggs, carrots, ham, tomatoes, cheese and ranch dressing. We washed this down with a great dark beer by Eisenbeck.

We then treked to the D subte line to return to our apartment for a nap to prepare for the evening milonga at Nino Bien which starts near midnight. How these people do this, amazes me.

Tomorrow, we will seek out the location of the language school.

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