Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday July 28, 2007

We got up at 8am. We decided to walk to the Japonese Gardens today (Jadins Japonica). On the way, we had a tasty breakfast at a corner cafe called Cafe de Botanico on the corner of Santa Fe and the street at the end of the botanical gardens. (3797 Ave. Sante Fe) The breakfast consisted of coffee con leche, orange juice, media lunas with melted ham and cheese inside and a small pastry filled with dulce de leche.

We then walked Ave. Liberatore, which has great apartments, many next the the large park called Parque 3 Februaro. They seem to name these things after big land take overs. This was the date they over threw the big land barron who owned a large ranch (estancia) that made up what is now the largest barrio in BA, Palermo. Part of that land became the park. The Japonese Gardens were quite beautiful and cost 5 pesos admission. It was a tribute to the Japonese who came to Buenos Aires.

After touring this park, we walked back to our apartment but stopped for a late lunch at Comodines, located at Guemes 4400 (Tel 4832 8282). We had a brochette of lomo (beef), papas fritas, a submarino which did not come with coffee. I think you have to order a coffee submarino if you want the experience of expresso with a chocolate bar submerged in it. It is also nice to order agua con gas (sparkling water) to finish the meal. Cost, about $10/person.

After a nap to recharge the batteries, Dante came over to learn about the Apple laptop I brought for him. We then ventured out at 11 pm for a local pizza in Palermo. The streets were alive with people at that time of the evening.

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